The History of Cousine Island, Jewel of the Seychelles

19th Century photograph of Port Victoria, Mahé


The First Known Ownership Records

1953 Coronation Stamp, Seychelles

1818 年 12 月 25 日,路易-普邦诺(Louis Pouponneau)将 库松岛出售给皮埃尔-雨果(Pierre Hugon),这是库松岛所有权的首次记录。遗憾的是,岛上的自然资源遭到了开发,这对以库松岛为家的动植物(以及周围的海洋生物)造成了严重影响。 卡苏阿瑞纳树的木材被过度采伐,用作邻近的普拉斯林岛马埃岛的木柴。

Large numbers of Sooty Tern eggs, regarded as a delicacy in the Seychelles, were removed (between 8,000 to 14,000 eggs each year). As a result, the Sooty Terns abandoned their breeding colony on the Island. Wedge-tailed Shearwater chicks, also considered a delicacy in the Seychelles, were taken in their thousands which drastically impacted the population size. Various crops were planted, such as coconut and banana trees, tobacco and fatak (guinea grass or Panicum maximum).

Copious amounts of fish were caught on the surrounding reefs and sold to the market in Praslin. Many turtles, which came up onto the beach to lay their eggs, fell prey to human exploitation. Green sea turtles are prized for their edible flesh and Hawksbill turtles for their shells, which were used in the manufacture of jewellery. Both species now nest on Cousine Island.


A Healing Journey of Restoration & Conservation

From a dark history to a healing journey back to her light, Cousine Island was given a second chance in 1992 when the current owner Mr M.F. Keeley and his wife purchased the Island to transform it into a legacy of their love. All farm animals (cattle, pigs, chickens) and Casuarina trees were removed as part of the initial stages of the restoration project.

The restoration program also included the large-scale planting of indigenous and endemic trees (about 8000 from 1992 to date) and the removal of all non-native plant and animal species. Due to these inspiring efforts, the Island has recovered from its history of over-harvesting & exploitation. The rehabilitation and protection efforts have been an unparalleled success in her own right.

Conservation efforts on Cousine Island are ongoing. Recently we teamed up with Seychelles Island Foundation to plant Coco de Mer trees on Cousine Island.



如今,库辛岛已成为许多物种的天堂般的避风港,也是塞舌尔为数不多的完全没有外来哺乳动物(如野猫和野鼠)的花岗岩岛屿之一。岛上还实现了多种本地物种的重新引入。1996 年,塞舌尔引进了濒临灭绝的塞舌尔鹊鸲。多年来,它们的数量已增加到 50 多只,分布在全岛 12 个领地。

现在,库桑岛每年都有成千上万只海鸟在此筑巢(包括约 55 000 对小鹦鹉)。1992 年至 2004 年间,岛上引进了 20 只巨龟,还有更多购买或救助的巨龟在库松岛安了家。现在,有 78 只年龄在 5 岁到 120 岁之间的自由活动的巨龟以库塞岛为家。塞舌尔莺健康种群的重新引入也取得了成功。


Just two conservation success stories hanging out: The Seychelles Magpie-Robin and an Aldabra Giant Tortoise on Cousine Island, Seychelles

Experience the magic of Cousine Island for yourself.

Island guests are invited to participate in conservation activities like guided walks and tree planting, but simply visiting the island (even if just for a day) contributes to our conservation efforts.


Introducing the Coco de Mer

